> Academia.edu profile

2021 - Re-storying place: The pedagogical force of walking in the work of Indigenous artist-activists Émilie Monnet and Cam. International Journal of Education Through Art, 17 (1), Link to PDF

2021 - Co-authored with Marie-Hélène Lemaire. “Experimenting Interpretation: Methods for Developing and Guiding a “Vibrant Visit”.” Journal of Museum Education 46 (2021): 357 - 374.

2019 - Walking With: An Invitation> Insights into the Pedagogical Force of Walking from the Perspectives of Artists who Walk as an Aspect of Their Practice, www.walkingwith.ca, PhD Dissertation, Concordia University: https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/985692/

2018 - Embodied Dialogue: Group Learning and Collaboration at DHC/ART - Foundation for Contemporary Art. Co-authored with Beattie, A., Fiset, D., Keenlyside, E., & Lemaire, M., Muséologies 9 (1), Arts Des Mondes/Mondes Des Arts

2017 - Book Review: Nightwalking by Matthew Beaumont. Scapegoat: NIGHT, 15-19: http://www.scapegoatjournal.org/docs/10/4.pdf

2016 -Towards a Walking-based Pedagogy. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 14 (1), 147-165: http://jcacs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jcacs/article/view/403122016

2016 - Co-authored with Dr. Kathleen Vaughan, Walking Together: Shared authority and co-mentorship between two artists on the move. Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art, 5 (3), 249-261: https://www.academia.edu/33758670/Walking_together_Shared_authority_and_co-mentorship_between_two_artists_on_the_move

2016 - Empathy or Insight? Reflections on virtual reality. PHI Centre: https://phi-centre.com/en/post/en-empathy-sensory-stories-2016/

2012 - Documenting Community Art: Creating On-Line Collective Memory Projects, commissioned by Skol, centre des arts actuels: http://skolceda.wordpress.com/

2011 - Making the Invisible Visible: documenting the creative process, MA thesis, Concordia University: https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/7312/

2009 - The Aboriginal Veteran’s Memorial - Canada’s Got Treasures, Virtual Museum.ca: http://www.museevirtuel-virtualmuseum.ca

2008 - Curation as Cultural Activism: A Strategy for Rearranging Desires: http://rearrangingdesires.concordia.ca/curation.html